6 Little Splurges You Won't Regret

Once upon a time I was very, very, very, very frugal. I spent nothing on myself, and I mean nothing. No extras. No nothing that wasn't absolutely neccesary. And let me tell you, it wasn't good. It had a really bad affect on my mental health and even on my ability to be frugal, because at some point I just broke down and went on a shopping spree from the deprivation. 

Since then, I learned that even when I'm frugal, no matter how frugal I need to be, I make sure to include little luxuries into my life. Because those things are what make life worth living, and give you the strength to be frugal in all the other areas of life, as needed. Here's some suggestions from a reader on what you might want to splurge on, if you are otherwise living a frugal life.


Budgeting and practicing frugality is a full-time job. It's easy to get so fixated on saving money that you never allow yourself a little splurge here or there. It's particularly hard as a parent when you're always questioning whether you're spending money in a way that's ensuring a great life for your children.

There are in fact some things that are worth spending a little extra on. After all, if you're always buying the cheapest option, it's likely you'll have to replace household items more often. Spending a little more upfront can often save you money down the line.

Here are six things that are well worth splurging on.

#1: A Good Pair of Shoes

It can be tempting to just buy $10 pairs of shoes off the clearance rack, especially if you have little ones whose feet might be bigger by next year. However, keep in mind the wear and tear we subject our shoes to. This is especially true for kids who run around all day!

You'll save more in the long run if you splurge on one well-made pair of shoes for yourself. If you have kids who are done growing, consider investing in one quality pair of sneakers for them. They'll last for much longer than those bargain buys.

#2: Local Produce

There's nothing more important than your family's health. Money spent on quality fruits and vegetables is money well spent. Skip the takeout and the junk food and you won't mind spending a little extra at your local farmer's market.

The splurge will seem well worth it as you watch your family dig into a meal made from seasonal, locally sourced ingredients.

#3: Electric Toothbrushes

Electric toothbrushes may seem like an unnecessary luxury, but they have a noticeably positive effect on your dental health. They also last far longer than standard toothbrushes.

Spending a little extra on an electric toothbrush will save you money on dental care down the line. Invest in a quality electric toothbrush for adults and consider doing the same for your little ones as well.

#4: LED Light Bulbs

Making the switch from incandescent to LED light bulbs is a no-brainer. Although they are more expensive, they last much longer which ultimately saves you money. Not to mention that they consume less energy than incandescent bulbs, making them more eco-friendly.

#5: Backpacks

It's become strangely accepted that kids get a new backpack at the start of each school year. Not only is this wasteful, it's also costly. Cheap backpacks deteriorate quickly. Zippers break and fabric rips.

Purchasing a quality backpack for your child may be more expensive, but it will last for several years.

#6: Staple Clothing Pieces

Kids grow incredibly fast, not to mention their tendency to get spaghetti sauce and dirt on their clothes. So, you're wise to favor secondhand and discount clothes when it comes to your little ones. But for the adults in your household, consider splurging on a few staple pieces such as a quality pair of jeans and at least one quality outfit for functions such as weddings and funerals.

It doesn't make sense for adults to buy a whole new wardrobe every year, even if you are buying inexpensive pieces. It's bad for the environment and ultimately bad for your finances. Invest in a few nice pieces and you won't have to do so again for years.

Final Thoughts

Knowing when to splurge and when to save is an essential part of effective budgeting. Sometimes spending a little extra yields greater savings in the long run.

What splurges do you find to be worthwhile in an otherwise frugal life? What would you add to this list?

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal


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  1. I splurge on good shoes and bras. I was having trouble with with shoulder pain and accidentally discovered that a well fitting bra eliminated that problem. Of course my clothes look nicer when there is a good foundation, too.

  2. I totally agree on these ideas. One exception i think is w regard to some children's 👞, for some it is better to buy two pairs of sandals or sneakers that are similar and not cheapest yet not best quality depending on the type of child and how ruff they are on their shoes. Also a tip from friends that have riding toys that are not bikes or trikes: the scuffed up shoes that may seem ready to toss - are often the shoes for when the young children want to zoom around outside on these riding toys.

  3. Perhaps adding personal things like haircuts, and I say that in good humor since it's made you so happy. But I've always believed that splurging on hair and makeup if it makes you look better and feel good is a MUST! :D

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