Tick Bite Prevention Tips

I have heard terrible things about ticks for years but never encountered them when I lived in the US. However, I knew someone who had permanent brain damage after an infection that he got from a tick. The first time I actually encountered ticks were when I moved abroad. While we don't have deer ticks, the most common cause of lyme disease, we do have other ticks that can cause health issues if they bite you. My dog has brought ticks back from when my sons took her on a trip through a meadow, and one ended up migrating to my daughter. It was scary, because I didn't have experience with that before. If you don't have experience with ticks (and want to make sure you don't get experience with them!) try following these tips sent to me from a reader.

5 Tips To Prevent Tick Bites

Ticks are tiny critters that are not only annoying but a source of diseases. Some of the common sicknesses caused by ticks include Lyme, anaplasmosis and babesiosis. . To keep them off your body, it’s prudent to know the types of ticks common in your area and take precautions.  And the only sure way to deal with is avoiding them.

Pest controllers provide top tips you can follow to get rid of your tick menace. Let's look at them further below.

1. Create tick-free zones in your area

Ticks love grassy habitats. Keeping a well-manicured lawn destroys their habitat. After that, separate the tick-free zone from woods with a tick barrier. Alternatively, you can fence your garden to demarcate it from the perimeter bush around your yard. You also need to eliminate mice in your yard. This is because ticks contract Lyme disease from mice.

You also need to get rid of all wood and rock piles because that’s where mice live and breed. This helps close all avenues for tick invasion in your home.

2. Avoid visiting tick-infested areas

As we mentioned earlier, avoidance is the best defense against ticks. When you go hiking, you need to take precautions to avoid tick bites like wearing the right gear.

Ticks live in grassy, bushy, or wooded areas. You can also find them on animals. So, spending time in the yards, walking your dogs along trails may expose you to ticks.

Additionally, you can treat your pet before going out. You can use a repellant or insecticide to prevent ticks from holding on to them. But before any treatment, consult with your veterinary officer.

3. Treat your clothing and gear

You can also buy clothes or gear treated with permethrin. Or you can apply 0.5% of permethrin on your boots, clothing, and camping gear. This is a powerful insecticide that can help keep ticks off your body. One spray can last several washings without getting washed away, keeping you protected against these parasites.

4. Use insect repellants

There are repellents available that you can apply. Look for those repellents authorized by the Environmental Protection Authority. Get the best repellent for you.

You also need to be cautious not to use products with OLE or PMD on children under 3 years. When choosing a repellant, look for the following information;
  • The insects it protects you against.
  • Length of time it lasts.
  • Ingredients in the product plus their content percentage
5. Perform tick checks after coming back from outdoor activities

After hiking, you need to check whether you may have any ticks on your clothes. Ticks can be resilient. Even with all these precautionary measures, some may still endure the repellants or insecticides.

So, after coming back from your outdoor errands, you can do the following activities to ensure you are clean:

i) Check your clothing for ticks

You can carry ticks to your house through clothes. So, you need to inspect all your clothes and remove any tick you find. You can opt for tumbling the clothes on a dryer on high heat for 10 minutes. This will kill the ticks that were in the clothes. If, you decide to wash, then use hot water.

ii) Examine your gear and pets

It is good to examine your gears and pets. Ticks can attach themselves to the pets and your gear and later on bite you.

iii) Shower soon after being outdoors

Shower within two hours after coming back from outdoors. This helps reduce the risk of getting Lyme disease. Showering washes off unattached ticks. It is also a good opportunity to do a tick check.

iv) Check your body for ticks after being outdoors

You need to do a body check after returning from the outdoors. You can do this when you are showering. Use a hand-held mirror. Check your arms, behind the ears, legs, waist, and hair. These are the most susceptible parts to ticks attachment.

Steps to remove ticks on your body

In case you find any tick on your body, follow the following steps to remove it:

i) Get a pair of tweezers and use it to grab the tick’s head as close as possible to the skin.

Pull the tweezers straight back without twisting. Avoid any temptations to crush or squeeze the tick.

ii) Ensure that you have removed the entire head.

iii) Clean the scar with water and soap.

As long as you remove the tick within 24 hours, you should be safe from any disease.

However, if you notice any signs of infections such as rashes, don’t ignore them. Get medical assistance before full blown signs show up.


Ticks have dangerous effects on your general health if they bite you. However, following the above tips can keep you safe from these critters. So, observe the above measures carefully and you’ll eliminate the chances of becoming a snack to ticks. If you live in a highly tick-infested area, combining all these methods increases your chances of success.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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