Have you thought of turning your home into a solar powered one? If you live in a sunny place, this might be a worthwhile option. When doing so, something you generally need to consider is getting a battery to store this solar energy. Here’s what you need to know about when buying such batteries.

People are moving towards greener alternatives of power supply. Yes, this is true. The early consequences of pollution, global warming, and exhaustion of non-renewable resources have made people concerned about nature and survival. Most of the population concerned about using solar energy is the young population of the age group 23-35 years.

This age group is just experiencing the initial days of settling down. They are the ones who are buying houses to start their independent life. Their love for nature is reflected in every choice they make. That is why many of the youngsters prefer solar-powered energy systems in their houses. If you are one of them and want to buy a perfect battery with solar PV system protection, you are in the right place.

The things listed below are the points to remember while buying a battery:

1. Type of the battery:

There are countless brands out there providing different types of batteries. You must understand the difference between every type. Every type has its advantages and disadvantages, and you should decide which type suits your house. For that, first, you have to compare them.

These are the types of batteries available in the market:

Lead-acid batteries:

The first rechargeable battery model was introduced to the market in the 19th century, and it was a lead-acid battery. So these have been around for a long time, and the strength and weakness of the battery are probably known to everybody.

The lead-acid batteries give very high performance compared to their cost. Also, they are very easily changeable. Lead-acid batteries can be recycled as well.

They also have two types:

Tubular batteries:

It is generally significantly more expensive compared to flat plate batteries. These batteries are one of the most effective of this kind.

Maintenance-free batteries:

It is the improved version of lead-acid batteries, and as the name suggests, it does not require any maintenance of the electrolyte levels.

These lead-acid batteries need to be treated very gently. Because of the depth of discharge, the capacity to get discharged compared to the overall capacity is limited. So it is impossible to draw a large amount of electricity from that battery. According to the IEC market strategy board, 2011 the lifespan of a typical lead-acid battery is 1500 cycles with 80% depth of discharge.

Lithium-ion battery:

These are the best competitors of lead-acid batteries and have emerged recently. These became popular because of the energy-weight ratio. Lithium-ion batteries are portable and provide very high efficiency. Self-discharge rate, which means the rate of discharge when not in use is significantly less as well. High energy density in the battery makes it applicable in a countless number of places.

The inner part of the part can react with the atmosphere violently and produce fire. Another problem with the battery is that they are costly.

Other types:

There are many other batteries in the market, but they are not as prominent as these two. One of them is nickel-cadmium batteries which are famous for their recyclability and robustness.

2. Capacity, power output, and warranty:

The storage capacity of the battery is an essential feature, and you should know about that. They have two types of capacity, total and usable, and both are important.

Power output is the rate of electricity represented in kilowatt that a battery can provide. The value of power output and the rate of electricity is directly proportional to each other, which means the higher the value of the power output the higher the rate of electricity flow. It will provide electricity for increased demand for power when you switch on multiple appliances with maximum power output.

The warranty of the battery, usually mentioned in the user guide, is also essential. You can not afford to change the battery every year. Also, with a more extended warranty period, you have the chance of replacing the battery with a new one if it gets spoiled.

3. Installation and its procedure:

You can not install the battery by yourself. You should make the connection correctly to avoid any hazards, and a certified electrician should do that.

The best place to install the battery in the house is near the consumer unit. It is where the electricity is directed into the house, and it is the ideal place.

4. Size of the battery:

The different types of batteries are available in different sizes as well. You have to decide which one you prefer. Better to go for the battery with more efficiency and small size. An average household requires 90 kilowatts per hour of energy. So usually, the battery will be significant if you are choosing for your home.

To decide the perfect size of the battery, measure your energy consumption per day. For that, you can install any energy monitoring system, which will help you choose the battery size, typically expressed in kilowatts per hour.

5. After-sales services:

The after-sales services of the company from which you have decided to buy the battery are essential. Just by watching youtube videos, you are not going to have the solutions for the problems. You need to hire a service-providing person for that. It will be better if you can get the service from the same company from which you bought the battery because he will have better knowledge about the construction and working of the battery.

So we recommend you to check the after-sales service of the company. Get the information by visiting the online website or from the product reviews. Or else ask the seller for the information about the after sales services, price and frequency of the service.


When you have decided to have a solar-powered house, don’t look back. It is an excellent choice to benefit the earth and the society above the earth. Accompanied by a perfect battery, a solar system is better for your home. You can have features like “module-level rapid shutdown” in the batteries to prevent electrical hazards and have a satisfying experience contributing to a happy life.