I breastfed all my children and stopped nursing them between 19 months and 38 months. However, if I would ever have another child, I definitely would choose to formula feed, as breastfeeding now is a mental health trigger for me. I highly support every mother’s decision how she wants to feed her baby. Fortunately, unlike the original baby formula that was made with cow milk, wheat flour and malt flour, the available formulas today are improved so much to the extent that they are a decent alternative to breastmilk.

WHO or the World Health Organization has repeatedly stressed the importance of breastfeeding during the first six months in the life of a child. Not just WHO, even the American Academy of Pediatrics or AAP has also asked the new moms to breastfeed the infants until the age of 6 months. WHO has also recommended that the mom should continue to breastfeed up to 2 years, and sometimes, even beyond this.

However, according to many pediatricians, it is not always possible for new mothers to breastfeed their infants. There are various reasons for this. She could be on some medicines or might have to return to work after a prolonged absence, for example. The mom may even have problems in producing an adequate quantity of milk. Or, the infant may also face problems in sucking the milk out.

It is good to remember, that moms who are nursing must themselves get 300 to 500 more calories in a day so that they can breastfeed. Also, many infants have medical issues, like a metabolic illness or sensitive stomach, where a special diet might be best. There could be so many hurdles.

Breastfeeding can be difficult, which is many moms have now shifted to infant formula milk products as the main source of nutrition, while others use it for supplementation. They have become very popular too throughout the world.

Breastfeeding is not just convenient, but it even the only option in many instances.

Infant Formula Milk Has Become Very Popular

If you visit a grocery store and look at its food aisle, you will now surely find many infant formulas in all types of bright colors. Data presented at an investor seminar of Nestlé in 2019 tells us that the nutrition market for infants, including formulas, is now worth several billions of dollars. Worldwide, it is expected to reach $92 billion by 2023. Nestlé is, of course, a leading formula maker for infants globally.

Complains Against Formula Milks

There have, however, been some common complaints against some formula products. For example, it has been said that these products don’t have the antibodies that you will find in human milk, which is why they cannot provide protection against infections. Manufactured formulas also cannot duplicate the complexity found in breast milk that typically changes with the child growing.

Improved Instant Formula Milks

Historically, there have been shortcomings. But over the last couple of decades, the scientists and researchers have been working relentlessly to improve these products and overcome their shortcomings.

This is why you will now find much better formula products. Like the Holle Stage 1, for example. This German product is made with Demeter-certified organic milk, which is the highest level of organic, biodynamic farming. You won’t find any chemicals or artificial additives like flavors, preservatives, colors. It contains DHA for brain and vision development. Holle Stage 1 meets or exceeds European Union standards.

If you are selecting a product like Holle Stage 1, then there is really nothing to worry about. It is even prescribed by many pediatricians for the new mothers who cannot or prefer not to breastfeed or when the infant cannot feed on the breasts.

What’s important is that you make the right choice. If possible, select a formula with lipids ARA and DHA.

Good Formula Milk Can Replace Breast Milk

The best quality infant formulas are designed to be a complete replacement for breast milk. They can provide the complete nutrition requirement of babies until the age of one year.

Internationally, Codex Alimentarius, which is a program for food standards, overseen by WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, sets the standards for the components that should be present in formulas. Many countries have also established their own guidelines and standards.

Codex has listed a total of 30 essential nutritional ingredients that should be present in infant formulas. This includes minerals and vitamins. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and also must-have major constituents. They are all essential for development and growth.

According to Codex Alimentarius, even the babies that are receiving breast milk should get vitamin D from a secondary source. All modern-day good instant formula products have this.

Iron Is Very Important for the Infants

Both infants and adults require many micronutrients. Iron is especially important for the babies because its stock is going to run out in just a few weeks after birth. This is why infants require an iron supplement. Breastmilk cannot provide the iron they need.

FDA has made it mandatory that formula products should have 0.15-3.0 mg of iron in each 100 kcal. The American Academy of Pediatrics has also recommended this range for iron. Codex, however, has set the limit at 0.45 mg minimum for each 100 kcal. Codex has also specified how much carbohydrates, fats, and proteins should be present in formula milk.

All good formula milk follows these regulations, which is why you can certainly deem them safe. It is good to understand that the scientists and researchers are always working hard to improve them even further.

Why Breastmilk Can Sometimes Be a Challenge

When it comes to composition, human milk is always different for each infant. This is because it includes the antibodies and microbes of the parent that changes as the infant grows. This can change even during one feeding session.

Everything considered, breastmilk is still best for the infants. But, improved formula products, thanks to modern science, have closed the gap. They are providing a nice alternative. Manufacturers and researchers are working hard to close the gap even more.

Select whatever you like, human milk or formula. You can also combine them. But, most importantly, always ensure that it is helping the development and growth of your baby.