Our new trampoline, in the process of being put together

So I’ve started this again, where I write up my frugal accomplishments, and save them until I feel like I actually have “enough” that it’s “worthy” of a post. But you know what I decided? I’m not going to wait until I have an impressive enough list. I’m going to share my frugal accomplishments on a two week basis, no matter how many things are on the list, because what I am doing is enough.

So here’s what I did that saved money these past two weeks.

Not as long a list as some other times, but not too shabby either.

What things did you do recently to save money?

0 Responses

  1. Kudos on your recent frugal achievements. I did great yesterday morning at Kroger. I managed to save 53% off my total bill by waiting to do a major stock up when I had a 13% off total order due to a Halloween thing they had going on. Now I'm stocked up for the winter and I even used some paper and E-coupons to boot!
    BTW, you can also use stale bread to make croutons for salads.