I lived for a long time in a home I hated. Fortunately I now live in a home I love that I designed to suit my tastes, and now have a passion for helping people make their home beautiful in a way that meets their needs, without breaking the budget. Here’s a post from a reader on how to do that for your home when you have a new child on the way.
We’ve all had dreams of creating the perfect living space for us to live in, happily ever after. Those dreams may share a common goal of convenience, but they differ when it comes to the type of design itself. Some would like to go all posh with luxurious and authentic designs, and some may feel the need to ride the wave of minimalism and contemporary style to the end. Whether you’d like to live in a coastal or an artsy house, being a parent can pretty much transform your dreams into a twisted version of their former shell. Not really, we’re just kidding.
Being a parent is one of the best things that can happen to you. You’ll have to prepare yourself for some clutter on the floor and a bit of extra fun chaos. This is why it’s quite important for you to prepare your home’s interior to handle a child through their very first days to at least 8 or 9 years old. Choosing the best home interior doesn’t have to cost you an arm or a leg. It can still be affordable and very convenient.
Adjusting the House
We don’t always think ahead much, which is why we sometimes find ourselves stuck in a tight situation. If you didn’t plan for your house to accommodate children and then you’ve changed your mind later, you’ll feel like you’re stuck with the wrong house. This doesn’t have to always be the case as there are affordable interior design options that can open up some extra opportunities. You don’t necessarily have to move just because you have a new child.
Consider converting a walk-in closet into a small and cozy baby room or perhaps transform the usually vacant guest room into one. It’s recommended when you’re still planning and don’t know when exactly you’d like to have your baby to use non-permanent pieces of furniture in the guest room in case you change your mind later.
Picking a Room For Your Kid
The first order of business should be picking up a suitable room that can be turned into a haven for your child. The most common choice people go with is choosing the closest room to your bedroom so you could always be vigilant. You’ll want to make sure the room is prepared for any season with an efficient ventilation system. If you already have a working ventilation system, double-checking on it shouldn’t hurt.
The most affordable way to protect a child from sunlight or neon glares is by installing black-out blinds that can block it completely. The curtains can be a solid addition as they are quite cheap and can give a sense of style to the room.
Style Synchronization
The room where your baby should reside in should not just be functional, it should also complement the overall style of your home. You can find yourself in a tight spot where your home looks too modern to accommodate a classic child’s room. This is where you may find yourself making a hard choice and redesigning some parts of your house to make sure the coordination between different styles isn’t a miss. The more minimal your house is, the more welcoming it is for small drastic changes that shouldn’t cost a lot.
Simplicity and Tranquility
Babies and children are quite easily affected by their environment. Try your best to keep the style of your home interior as simple as possible to make it clutter-less and more convenient for your child. The fewer things you put in the room and the more minimalist the design, the less you need to spend on decor.
A common cliché in interior designing a baby room is the bombardment of colors in such a small space. Neutral colors and soft shades can help your child relax naturally, not to mention that they are more affordable than full-on or overdone children’s rooms. The neutral colors also give your child a chance to redefine the color palette of the room once they’re older and decide that they need a change of scenery, without needing to spend the money to change everything around.
Preparing your home doesn’t mean making it look bad. It takes some extra effort and time to make sure your home interior design is in tip-top shape. Money is not an issue as long as you’re passionate about your designs. You don’t have to go overboard to prepare yourself for parenthood.
Thinking smart means saving money. Your children are going to be an integral part of the design process; you’ll have to try your best to put yourself in their shoes. Your home interior doesn’t have to resemble a prison just because you’d like them to be safe. Your furniture placement and décor preferences can go hand-in-hand with safety.