One thing slightly harder in a frugal lifestyle is getting a case of the munchies. Usually, when you want to snack, you don’t have the energy or inclination to start cooking up a bunch of food, and non frugal folk usually keep a bunch of ready made snacks around for that exact purpose. Frugal people, of course, could always snack on stockpiled ready made snacks bought for very little or no money via extreme couponing, but usually those ready made dirt cheap snacks are full of all sorts of artificial ingredients, making them the last choice of a snack for the health conscious frugalists.

So, what is a health minded frugal person supposed to do when they get the urge to snack?

Here’s a few ideas:

Hope you liked these ideas of what to do when you get a case of the munchies and want a snack when you don’t keep snack packs or traditional snack foods in stock. Then again, you can always eat some leftovers from previous meals if you’re really hungry.
What do you do for snacks in your house? Do you pre-plan a snack every day so that you never are unprepared, or do you throw together something quickly when you want to snack, or are you a completely snack free house, eating only during meals? What foods would you add to my list?
I wanted to apologize for slacking in post frequency the past week. We’ve all been a bit under the weather, and taking care of my family came first. Don’t worry- Penniless Parenting has no plans to bite the dust any time soon!