With all the buzz going on in the comments section the past few days about college education or the lack-thereof, I decided to tackle the topic of education, with a focus on advanced education.
So, without further ado: Education. Want or Need?
Learning vis a vis Educating
Learning begins from the moment we enter the world. From an infant picking up which cues will garner his caretaker’s attention to a child figuring out that jumping off a high place will result in scrapes and bruises, learning is an intrinsic part of being human. Children’s inquisitive minds implore them to constantly ask “Why” and to seek learning experiences as part of their every day interactions. Quantifying learning as a need is absurd, since it comes as naturally to us as breathing, but it is definitely needed for our existence. As long as someone has a functioning brain, learning occurs.
Learning takes many forms, one of which is via education. According to wikipedia, educating is “the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another.”
Learning is a given in life but education is not, as education requires both intention and an “instructor”, whether that instructor is a parent, a teacher, books, or any other educational resource such as the internet.
Education is a need, for without it, society cannot succeed. If one is never educated and has to figure out everything on his own, he’ll be extremely disadvantaged in life because he cannot build on on the collective knowledge that has been passed down throughout the ages, but will need to reinvent the wheel (literally) himself.
All people, no matter where they live, educate their young, at least to an extent, but the problem is that for some the education stops before they’ve amassed enough knowledge to having a successful and fulfilling life. For this reason, formal education was instated in most societies as a way of ensuring that every child has the ability to learn enough to be productive, functioning members of society.
Basic education is definitely a need.
Formal schooling is not.
Many are dismissive of non school based learning, assuming that without sitting in a classroom having structured lessons, a child will not possibly learn enough to succeed. For those who view homeschooling as a viable alternative, they usually only see it that way when children are given formal schooling, with set learning hours and instruction, basically, a classroom at home.
People oftentimes forget that education need not be as formalized and rigid as the type of teaching that occurs in school. The world is filled with instructors, from older siblings to neighbors and people in the community as well as writers who transmit their knowledge via print medium, such as books and magazines. Life can be chock full of educational experiences, even without ever having attended formal school.
Well Rounded Education
Many I’ve spoken to about education idealize the concept of a “well rounded education”, something so ambiguous that even Wikipedia has a hard time defining it.
In my opinion, a balanced education is important to an extent.
I want my children to be functioning members of society, to have an in depth knowledge of whatever subjects interest them or that would assist them in their career goals. In addition to that, I would like them to have learned enough to be able to live life relatively independently, and also be able to participate in society without sounding like a total airhead and being able to understand things that are general common knowledge.
How does that translate?
My Educational Goals For My Children
- I want my children to be able to read well enough to understand advanced texts and have a decent reading comprehension. Without good critical reading skills, you are unable to further your education easily, even if you’d like to do so. Reading opens worlds of opportunity.
- I want my children to be able to write well, spell well, and be able to get their point across clearly with the written word. Without being able to write well, you aren’t usually taken seriously; even with a sharp mind, poor writers and spellers are usually viewed as incompetent and incapable.
- I want my children to have a working knowledge of math, at least until basic trigonometry. Even without being an engineer or mathematician, geometry and trigonometry as well as algebra are often necessary in figuring out solutions to everyday situations.
- I want my children to have learned at least the basics in various sciences, but especially chemistry, biology, and physics. This knowledge not only helps you appreciate the wonders of the world in which we live, but it also assists us in our day to day life. A basic knowledge of chemistry will help you in the kitchen and with other household tasks. The rules of physics play a huge role in doing many physical tasks, from building shelves around the house, dealing with electricity, solar cooking and even driving. Biology helps us take care of our bodies as well as plants and animals. Science is important.
- I want my children to have an in depth knowledge of our religion as well as a basic knowledge of most of the world’s religions, both past and present. Religion plays such a huge role in influencing the actions of the world, both past and present, that without understanding the basics of religions, even ones that aren’t around anymore, its hard to understand the how’s and why’s of the world.
- I want my children to know history well, both that of our current country as well as world history, as those who do not know history are likely to repeat the mistakes of the past. History also influences today’s actions, yet another reason it is important to learn it.
- I want my children to have a basic knowledge of geography, and a basic knowledge of the great works of literature that influenced the world, because I don’t want them to sound like total nincompoops when speaking to people, but more importantly, so they can fully understand relevant concepts that are based on geography and literature.
- I want my children to have an in depth knowledge of how to use tools, both kitchen and household tools, so they can help themselves and not need to rely on others.
- I want my children to have at least a basic knowledge of economics and the government, so that they can make sure no one takes advantage of them.
- I want my children to know how to use a computer well, because decent computer skills allow you to help yourself and access information you haven’t yet learned, as well as opens doors of opportunity.
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