Kleenex has become a name and brand synonymous with colds, allergies, and runny noses. “Have a Kleenex!” Or rather, don’t.
At $2.85 a box, Kleenex is definitely not a good choice to be using to wipe your nose. You can always buy cheaper, no name brand tissues for $1.50 a box, but even that can get expensive during cold and allergy season.
Or, you can just use toilet paper, cut into rectangles. 2 squares are approximately the size of a tissue and can be used in its place. For a dollar a roll (and I’m sure you can find cheaper), you can get the equivalent of 2 boxes of tissues.
Those savings add up, just think about it.
And if you’re really daring, you can always use cloth hankies made out of squares of absorbent material, like flannel.
Oh, and I’m the host of this week’s festival of frugality. Submissions will be accepted till Monday morning! Email me at [email protected].