There may be occasions where impulses get the better of all of us, from financial decisions, right down to unhealthy snacks. Helping your child to learn how to curb any urges now can keep them a lot safer in the future, particularly when they are faced with peer pressure, as well as the freedom that comes with being independent from primary caregivers. Although babies and toddlers may be expected to only care about their wants in the moment, they are never too young for you to start showing and teaching a bit of self-control.
Teach Them to Save
Although your young child may not be able to open their own bank account, they can still learn to save money. Opening one of the junior ISAs from Wealthify will allow you, and them, to start putting money aside for when they reach adulthood. Letting them see what is going in, as well as the interest they gain from having that money there, might help to show them the benefits of saving, through the ‘free’ money that is added. Taking your child with you to make deposits, or even getting them to give you the cash for you to deposit that amount into the account, can also allow them to have more accountability in regard to their savings habits.
Teach Patience
When a child wants something, they generally want it right now. This type of behaviour can be seen in many children, regardless of their upbringing. Showing your child how to be patient through your own actions, as well as making them wait for things, can help them to learn not to be impulsive. In addition to this, it can also teach them general manners for use in the wider world. For the most part, nobody can have what they want, immediately when they want it. Patience can be seen in simple, everyday situations, such as standing in line, needing to save money, or even getting them to wait until you have finished what you are doing before giving them the thing they desire. Teaching patience won’t be instantaneous; you will need to do this for a while before it sinks in. Teaching them delayed gratification, for example, that if they wait they get two things but if they get something immediately they’ll only get one, is just one of the ways to teach them patience.
Teach Safety
While some impulses may be related to money or the way your child behaves, others can be brought about simply because their peers are engaging in these activities. Informing a child about the potential dangers in the world, and building up their self-confidence so they don’t feel the need to do things that are bad for them just to gain peer approval, can really go a long way, particularly when your child reaches their teenage years. By starting this early, you may be able to help your child decline drugs, copious drinking, or other risky behaviours. It may be hard for them, especially if their friends are doing these things, but your child will then have the tools to be able to say no, and feel assured of their decision.
Impulses can have a drastic effect on a person’s life, from causing financial distress, right up to endangering their health. Teaching your child how to control urges from a young age will really help them to become a more well-rounded adult.