One thing that is important for me (and probably most people) is to make my home my haven. There are many ways to do that, but for me, a big part of it is making my home look a way that is pleasing to my eyes. This doesn’t have to cost a lot, though if you aren’t careful, it can. Here are some tips from a reader on how to transform your home on a budget. 

As they say, nothing beats a perfectly decorated home. Just imagine coming home after a tiring day at work, and you get to see your well-decorated home, making your hard work all worth it. But, looking at your house, the interior design might be too plain and simple for your liking. What you can do is to update your home’s interior design to match your style and still make it homey. 

However, as much as you want to update your interior design, it can cost a lot, especially if you’re looking into significant renovations. But, fret-not! You can update your interior design while on a budget! Listed below are the ways you can design your home according to your liking:

Consider Roller Blinds

One great way to boost your home’s interior is by replacing the usual curtains with roller blinds. Made to measure roller blinds offers the perfect fit to your home’s window, making it sleek and stylish. Nothing beats perfectly-fitting blinds in your home.

With roller blinds, you can choose from a wide variation of designs and colours that’ll suit your home’s interior entirely, making it stylish and great-looking and adding a modern touch to your home. Plus, with a wide market for roller blinds, there are now a ton of cheaper options that allows you to purchase affordable blinds.

Update Your Paint

If you’re looking for a major interior update, changing your interior’s paint will surely add a different feel to your interior as it’s what sets the mood for your decorations and furniture.

Before changing your room’s paint, make sure that you’ve decided on the theme you’re going to have. You can go for classy, luxurious, boho, art deco, contemporary, modern, or country. After deciding on your theme, pick the perfect wall décor that goes along with it. You can paint your walls with bold and dramatic or soft and sweet hues.

Updating your paint is a significant massive update for your home’s interior without having to spend a ton. You can easily paint the room by yourself to save money off hiring a professional painter. Just make sure that you observe proper precautions to have a safe painting experience. 


Shop at Flea Markets

Changing your home decorations can be quite expensive, especially if you’re going to purchase brand-new items. To help you save money in updating your home’s decoration, you might want to consider shopping at flea markets.

Flea markets can provide cheaper home decorations that come with excellent quality. You’ll never know how many great and unique finds there are at a flea market at affordable prices.

Swap Furniture

Aside from shopping at flea markets, you can also swap furniture with a friend or a relative for a great deal. There are online communities wherein you can post any furniture or items in your household that’s open for swapping, and other people will offer you what they have that could catch your interest.

Hang Photos or Prints

When decorating your interior, you shouldn’t limit yourself to adding decors on the shelves, table, and sofa. You should also consider adding life to your wall by hanging photos, prints, or other wall décors.

Framed photos or prints aren’t expensive. If you want to test your creativity, you can try making your own artwork. Having to display your artwork will not only add a great décor to your home, but it’ll also help to add a personal touch to it.

Recycle Old Wood

If you have old yet functional wood lying around, don’t be afraid to recycle and transform it into something better. You can build a small bench, a cabinet, hanging shelves, or a telly stand.

Boost your creativity, and don’t be afraid to play with colours by repainting. Just make sure to practice safety measures when you’re on your wood repurpose project so that it’ll be free from any damage and splinters.

Upgrade Your Throw Pillows

You don’t know how much life a throw pillow brings to one’s home. When it comes to updating your home’s interior, you should consider changing your throw pillow cover into something that matches your theme and color. Throw covers don’t cost too much.

To help you save more, you can repurpose old clothes or fabrics you have lying around as you create your cover. Just match the size to your old throw covers, and you’re good to go.


Purchasing a vase, for example, can be quite expensive. To help yourself save a few pence or more, you can recycle your old bottles of wine and turn them into a vase. Just make sure that you remove the labels and clean the bottles thoroughly. You can wrap a jute string around them to add a rustic or country vibe and elegance. Using a wine bottle as a vase works best with dried flowers as these have thin, long stems which makes for a great décor inside your home.

Change Your Lighting Fixtures

You’d be surprised how changing your interior’s lighting would add a great vibe to your home. You can purchase light fixtures at a flea market or ask a friend or a relative for one lying around unused and longing for a new home.

Alternatively, there are a lot of DIY light fixtures that you can add to your existing chandelier that’ll change the look and vibe of your interior. Along with this, you could change the temperature of your lights by going from white to warm white. Going for warm white will add a softer touch to your house at night.


The most important note in revamping your home is to declutter. Nothing feels better than coming home to a fresh and clean house, making every corner bright and spacious. When it comes to decluttering, throw away any stuff you haven’t used in the last two years.

After throwing out items that you don’t need, organize and arrange your stuff in a box or container to hide the mess in your home. If you opt for transparent containers, ensure that the contents are organised too.


Updating your home’s interior doesn’t have to be expensive. You can freely use old items in your home, purchase from flea markets, exchange with your family or friends, or ask someone you know who might have a specific décor that you’re looking to have in your home. You’d be surprised how some people have things lying around unused and collecting dust in their homes. Don’t be afraid, too, to create your artwork with interior decorating and boost your creativity for a personal touch you’ll surely enjoy seeing every time you come home.