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On Wednesday, I went to the farmer’s market, and got myself a bunch of produce for very little money from the “reduced rack store”. As I explained in my previous post on that store, I tell him how much money I’m willing to spend, and he fills bags for me, depending on what he wants to get rid of.
He gave no tomatoes or cucumbers- the base of many of my salads, however he gave a lot of citrus fruit, and I bought pomegranates from another store that sells cheap past prime produce…
Though I didn’t have the typical “salad veggies”, I decided that I’d be making salad anyhow, using what I had. I used pigweed, also known as goosefoot, a wild green, for the base of my salad instead of lettuce or spinach, and topped it with clementines and grapefruits and pomegranate seeds. I knew this type of salad would be best with something citrusy, and since I had many clementines, decided to make a celementine based citronette- like a vinaigrette, only made with citrus fruit instead of vinegar.
It came out amazingly well. The dressing is sweet and sour and flavorful- perfect for a leafy, fruity salad like this!
You can make this dressing with tangerine or orange juice instead of clementine juice if that’s cheaper/ more easily available to you- just note that clementines are a bit sweeter than some oranges and/or tangerines, so taste your dressing- you might want to add a drop of a healthy (or cheap) sweetener to it, which was totally unnecessary when I made this with clementines.
(If you don’t add any sweetener, and use a GAPS legal mustard, this recipe is GAPS legal.)

Orange or Tangerine or Clementine Citronette Recipe- Citrus Salad Dressing, Sugar Free

Juice of 3 clementines or tangerines or 2 oranges- approximately 1/2 cup of juice
Sweetener to taste (optional)
2 teaspoons dijon mustard
1 teaspoons garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup olive oil (or other non strongly flavored oil)

1. Mix all the ingredients together. Whisk well.

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This stores well in the refrigerator- just shake/mix well before use.

Ever made a citronette before? Ever made an orange juice based salad dressing? Does this look like something you’d want to try?